Magical Mystery Cure

(Magical Mystery Tour)

Roll up roll up the Mystery Cure
Roll up roll up the Mystery Cure

Roll up
That's an invitation
Roll up the Mystery Cure
Roll up
It helps relaxation 
Roll up the Mystery Cure 

The Magical Mystery Cure
Is waiting to blow you away
Waiting to blow you away

Roll up
Roll up the Mystery Cure
Roll up
Roll up the Mystery Cure

Roll up
it comes in any form you need
Roll up for the Mystery Cure
Roll up
You need a hit of CBD
Roll up for the Mystery Cure

The Magical Mystery Cure is hoping to blow you away
Hoping to blow you away

The Mystery Cure


The Magical Mystery Cure 
Roll up
Roll up for the Mystery Cure 

Roll up
That's an invitation
Roll up for the Mystery Cure
Roll up
Helps with relaxation 
Roll up for the Mystery Cure

The Magical Mystery Cure
Is coming to blow you away  
Coming to blow you away

The Magical Mystery Cure
Is not the oil of a snake   
But helps you get fully baked
Bake you today